Source code for msnpy.processing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import re
import warnings
import operator
import collections
from typing import Sequence
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import h5py
from dimspy.portals import mzml_portal
from dimspy.portals import hdf5_portal
from dimspy.portals import thermo_raw_portal
from dimspy.process.replicate_processing import average_replicate_scans
from dimspy.models.peaklist import PeakList
from dimspy.process.peak_filters import filter_attr
from dimspy.process.peak_filters import filter_ringing
from dimspy.process.peak_filters import filter_mz_ranges
from .filters import validate_injection_time_ms1, filter_by_replicates, filter_by_isolation

[docs]def hdf5_peaklists_to_txt(filename: str, path_out: str, delimiter:str = "\t"): """ :param filename: :param path_out: :param delimiter: """ if not os.path.isfile(filename): raise IOError('HDF5 database [%s] does not exist' % filename) if not h5py.is_hdf5(filename): raise IOError('input file [%s] is not a valid HDF5 database' % filename) if not os.path.isdir(path_out): raise IOError("File or Directory does not exist:".format(path_out)) obj = hdf5_portal.load_peaklists_from_hdf5(filename) if "#" in obj[0].ID: fns = set([pl.ID.split("#")[0] for pl in obj]) sub_ids = [pl.ID.split("#")[1] for pl in obj] for fn in fns: with open(os.path.join(path_out, os.path.splitext(fn)[0] + ".txt"), "w") as pk_out: for i, pl in enumerate(obj): if fn in pl.ID: pl.add_attribute("event", pl.full_shape[0] * [sub_ids[i]], flagged_only=False, on_index=3) str_out = pl.to_str(delimiter=delimiter) if i > 0: pk_out.write(str_out[str_out.index('\n'):]) else: pk_out.write(str_out) pl.drop_attribute("event") else: for pl in obj: with open(os.path.join(path_out, os.path.splitext(pl.ID)[0] + ".txt"), "w") as pk_out: pk_out.write(pl.to_str(delimiter=delimiter)) return
[docs]def mz_tolerance(mz: float, tol: float, unit: str = "ppm"): """ :param mz: mz value :param tol: tolerance :param unit: ppm or da :return: :rtype: float """ if unit.lower() == "ppm": return mz * (1 - (float(tol) * 0.000001)), mz * (1 + (float(tol) * 0.000001)) elif unit.lower() == "da": return mz - float(tol), mz + float(tol) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect unit type (options: ppm or da)")
[docs]def create_graphs_from_scan_ids(scan_dependents: list, scan_events: dict, ion_injection_times: dict): """ Create Directed Graph from scan dependent relationships :param scan_dependents: :param scan_events: :param ion_injection_times: :return: :rtype: """ graphs = [] G = nx.OrderedDiGraph() G.add_edges_from(sorted(list(scan_dependents), key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1))) for subgraph in [G.subgraph(c) for c in nx.weakly_connected_components(G)]: edges = sorted(list(subgraph.edges()), key=operator.itemgetter(0, 1)) nodes = sorted(subgraph.nodes()) replicates_within, its = collections.OrderedDict(), collections.OrderedDict() for n in nodes: replicates_within.setdefault(scan_events[n], []).append(n) its.setdefault(scan_events[n], []).append(ion_injection_times[n]) G = nx.OrderedDiGraph() for rw in replicates_within: scan_info = [(None, None, 0.0)] scan_info.extend(re.findall(r'([\w\.-]+)@([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+\.\d+)', rw)) G.add_node(rw, scanids=replicates_within[rw], mslevel=len(scan_info), coltype=scan_info[-1][1], colenergy=float(scan_info[-1][2]), injectiontimes=its[rw], flag=True) G.add_edges_from([(scan_events[e[0]], scan_events[e[1]]) for e in edges]) graphs.append(G) return graphs
[docs]def merge_ms1_scans(graphs: list): """ :param graphs: :return: :rtype: """ scan_ids = collections.OrderedDict() for G in graphs: root = list(nx.topological_sort(G))[0] scan_ids.setdefault(root, []).extend(G.node[root]["scanids"]) for G in graphs: root = list(nx.topological_sort(G))[0] G.node[root]["scanids"] = scan_ids[root] return graphs
[docs]def create_templates(graphs: list, nh: int): """ Create a 'master' graph that include all the experimental trees Loop through all the subgraphs/graphs :param graphs: :param nh: :return: :rtype: """ templates = [] for G in graphs: # Validate if the root node represents a scan event without fragmentation # Check if a subgraph, with a user defined number of nodes, exist in the list of templates # The nodes (scan events) are matched based on the order they have been collected if list(G.edges())[0:nh - 1] not in [list(g.edges())[0:nh - 1] for g in templates]: # Create a initial template with a particular number of nodes / edges Gt = nx.OrderedDiGraph() Gt.add_edges_from(list(G.edges())[0:nh - 1]) for n in Gt.nodes(): scan_info = re.findall(r'([\w\.-]+)@([a-zA-Z]+)(\d+\.\d+)', n) Gt.node[n]["scanids"] = list() Gt.node[n]["mslevel"] = len(scan_info) + 1 if len(scan_info) == 0: Gt.node[n]["coltype"] = None Gt.node[n]["colenergy"] = None else: Gt.node[n]["coltype"] = scan_info[-1][1] Gt.node[n]["colenergy"] = float(scan_info[-1][2]) Gt.node[n]["template"] = True Gt.node[n]["flag"] = True templates.append(Gt) return templates
[docs]def group_by_template(graphs: list, templates: list): """ :param graphs: :param templates: :return: :rtype: """ master_graphs = [G.copy() for G in templates] for G in graphs: for Gt in templates: if G.subgraph(Gt.nodes()).number_of_edges() == Gt.number_of_edges() and \ sorted(G.subgraph(Gt.nodes()).nodes()) == sorted(Gt.nodes()): i = templates.index(Gt) for e in G.edges(): for j in range(0, 2): # update master_graphs add nodes/edges or update scanids if e[j] not in master_graphs[i].nodes(): master_graphs[i].add_node(e[j], scanids=G.node[e[j]]["scanids"], mslevel=G.node[e[j]]["mslevel"], coltype=G.node[e[j]]["coltype"], colenergy=G.node[e[j]]["colenergy"], flag=G.node[e[j]]["flag"], template=False) else: for scan_id in G.node[e[j]]["scanids"]: if scan_id not in master_graphs[i].node[e[j]]["scanids"]: master_graphs[i].node[e[j]]["scanids"].append(scan_id) if e not in master_graphs[i].edges(): master_graphs[i].add_edge(e[0], e[1]) return master_graphs
[docs]def assign_precursor(peaklist: PeakList, header_frag: str, tolerance: float = 0.5): """ :param peaklist: :param header_frag: :param tolerance: :return: :rtype: """ prec_at_energy = re.findall(r'([\w\.-]+)@([\w\.-]+)', header_frag) subset = [] for i, mz in enumerate( if mz >= float(prec_at_energy[-1][0]) - tolerance and mz <= float(prec_at_energy[-1][0]) + tolerance: subset.append((mz, peaklist.intensity[i])) if len(subset) > 0: s = sorted(subset, key=lambda x: x[1])[-1] return s[0], s[1] else: return None, None
[docs]def group_scans(filename: str, nh: int = 2, min_replicates: int = 1, report: str = None, max_injection_time: float = None, merge_ms1: bool = False, split: bool = False, remove: bool = True): """ :param filename: :param nh: :param min_replicates: :param report: :param max_injection_time: :param merge_ms1: :param split: :param remove: :return: """ if filename.lower().endswith(".mzml"): d = mzml_portal.Mzml(filename) elif filename.lower().endswith(".raw"): d = thermo_raw_portal.ThermoRaw(filename) else: raise IOError("Incorrect file format: {}".format(os.path.basename(filename))) si = d.scan_ids() sd = d.scan_dependents() sit = d.ion_injection_times() graphs = create_graphs_from_scan_ids(sd, si, sit) for G in list(graphs): h = list(nx.topological_sort(G))[0] if G.node[h]["mslevel"] > 1: warnings.warn("MS1 scan missing. The following scans ids have been removed: {}".format([G.node[n]["scanids"] for n in G.nodes()])) graphs.remove(G) if max_injection_time: for G in list(graphs): if not validate_injection_time_ms1(G, max_injection_time): scan_id_ms1 = G.nodes[list(nx.topological_sort(G))[0]]["scanids"] warnings.warn("Injection time MS1 {} > Maximum injection time for MS1. The following scan ids have been removed: {}".format(scan_id_ms1, [G.node[n]["scanids"] for n in G.nodes()])) graphs.remove(G) if not split: templates = create_templates(graphs, nh) groups = group_by_template(graphs, templates) else: groups = graphs for G in groups: nx.set_node_attributes(G, False, 'template') for i, G in enumerate(groups): G.graph['id'] = i + 1 if merge_ms1: # Merge all MS1 scans across a run/sample groups = merge_ms1_scans(groups) # flag attribute set to False if not pass filter groups = [filter_by_replicates(G, min_replicates) for G in groups] groups = [filter_by_isolation(G) for G in groups] if report is not None: with open(report, "w") as out: out.write("tree_id\tevent\ttemplate\tscan_ids\tscans\tflag\n") for G in groups: if report is not None: for n in G.nodes(data=True): out.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(G.graph['id'], n[0], int(n[1]["template"]), n[1]["scanids"], len(n[1]["scanids"]), int(n[1]["flag"]))) if remove: for G in list(groups): h = list(nx.topological_sort(G))[0] if not G.node[h]["flag"]: groups.remove(G) continue for n in G.nodes(data=True): if not n[1]["flag"]: G.remove_node(n[0]) else: del n[1]['flag'] if len(groups) == 0: warnings.warn("No scan events remaining after filtering. Remove MS data file or alter parameters.") return groups
[docs]def process_scans(filename: str, groups: list, function_noise: str, snr_thres: float, ppm: float, min_fraction: float = None, rsd_thres: float = None, normalise: bool = False, ringing_thres: float = None, exclusion_list: dict = {}, report: str = None, block_size: int = 5000, ncpus: int = None): """ :param filename: :param groups: :param function_noise: :param snr_thres: :param ppm: :param min_fraction: :param rsd_thres: :param normalise: :param ringing_thres: :param exclusion_list: :param report: :param block_size: number of peaks in each clustering block. :param ncpus: number of CPUs for parallel clustering. Default = None, indicating using as many as possible :return: List of (average) PeakList objects (DIMSpy) :rtype: Sequence[PeakList] """ print() print(os.path.basename(filename)) if filename.lower().endswith(".mzml"): run = mzml_portal.Mzml(filename) elif filename.lower().endswith(".raw"): run = thermo_raw_portal.ThermoRaw(filename) else: raise IOError("Incorrect file format: {}".format(os.path.basename(filename))) mz_ranges = [] if exclusion_list is not None and len(exclusion_list) > 0: mz_ranges = [mz_tolerance(mz, ppm) for mz in exclusion_list] if normalise: rsd_on_attr = "intensity_norm" rsd_label = "rsd_intensity_norm" else: rsd_on_attr = "intensity" rsd_label = "rsd" if report is not None: out = open(report, "w") out.write("tree_id\tevent\tscans\tpeaks\tmedian_{}\n".format(rsd_label)) # Check for MS1 scans with the same scan_ids (grouped) to avoid redundant processing ms1_headers, temp_scan_ids = collections.OrderedDict(), [] for G in groups: n = list(G.nodes(data=True))[0] if temp_scan_ids.count(n[1]["scanids"]) > 1 and n[0] not in ms1_headers: ms1_headers[n[0]] = None temp_scan_ids.append(n[1]["scanids"]) pls_avg = [] for G in groups: nodes = G.nodes(data=True) print("Processing scans....") print("\n".join(map(str, [n[0] for n in nodes]))) print() for n in nodes: pls_scans = [run.peaklist(scan_id, function_noise=function_noise) for scan_id in n[1]["scanids"]] # Check for MS1 scan available with the same scan_ids (grouped) to avoid redundant processing if n[0] in ms1_headers and ms1_headers[n[0]] is not None: copy_ms1 = ms1_headers[n[0]].copy() # update id copy_ms1.ID = "{}#{}:{}".format(os.path.basename(filename), G.graph['id'], n[0]) pls_avg.append(copy_ms1) nscans, n_peaks, median_rsd = len(pls_scans), copy_ms1.shape[0], np.nanmedian(copy_ms1.get_attribute(rsd_label)) else: if ringing_thres is not None and float(ringing_thres) > 0.0: #print "Removing ringing artifacts....." pls_scans = [filter_ringing(pl, threshold=ringing_thres, bin_size=1.0) if len( > 0 else pl for pl in pls_scans] pls_scans = [filter_attr(pl, "snr", min_threshold=snr_thres) if len( > 0 else pl for pl in pls_scans] if normalise: # print "Normalise by Total Ion Current (TIC)....." pls_scans = [pl.add_attribute("intensity_norm", pl.get_attribute("intensity", False) / pl.metadata["tic"], flagged_only=False, on_index=2) if len( > 0 else pl for pl in pls_scans] #print "Aligning, averaging and filtering peaks....." nscans, n_peaks, median_rsd = len(pls_scans), 0, "NA" if sum(pl.shape[0] for pl in pls_scans) == 0: warnings.warn("No scan data available for {}".format(n[0])) else: if len(pls_scans) == 1: pl_avg = average_replicate_scans("{}#{}:{}".format(os.path.basename(filename), G.graph['id'], n[0]), pls_scans, ppm, min_fraction, None, rsd_on_attr, block_size, ncpus) if rsd_on_attr != "intensity": pl_avg.add_attribute("rsd_{}_flag".format(rsd_on_attr), np.ones(pl_avg.full_size), flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) else: pl_avg.add_attribute("rsd_flag", np.ones(pl_avg.full_size), flagged_only=False, is_flag=True) else: pl_avg = average_replicate_scans("{}#{}:{}".format(os.path.basename(filename), G.graph['id'], n[0]), pls_scans, ppm, min_fraction, rsd_thres, rsd_on_attr, block_size, ncpus) if exclusion_list is not None and len(exclusion_list) > 0: pl_avg = filter_mz_ranges(pl_avg, mz_ranges, flag_name="exclusion_flag", flagged_only=False) # add to full_scans to avoid redundant processing if n[0] in ms1_headers and ms1_headers[n[0]] is None: ms1_headers[n[0]] = pl_avg.copy() pls_avg.append(pl_avg) n_peaks, median_rsd = pl_avg.shape[0], np.nanmedian(pl_avg.get_attribute(rsd_label)) if report is not None: out.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(groups.index(G) + 1, n[0], nscans, n_peaks, median_rsd)) if len(pls_avg) == 0: raise IOError("No peaks remaining after filtering. Remove file from Study (filelist).") if report is not None: out.close() return pls_avg
[docs]def create_spectral_trees(trees: Sequence[nx.OrderedDiGraph], peaklists: Sequence[PeakList]): """ :param trees: list of NetworkX graphs :param peaklists: list of PeakList objects :return: :rtype: Sequence[nx.OrderedDiGraph] """ spectral_trees = [] headers = [pl.ID.split("#")[1] for pl in peaklists] for i, G in enumerate(trees): GG = nx.OrderedDiGraph() GG.graph["id"] = G.graph["id"] for edge in list(G.edges(data=True)): header_prec = "{}:{}".format(G.graph["id"], edge[0]) if len(G.node[edge[0]]["scanids"]) == 0 or header_prec not in headers: if " ms " in header_prec: warnings.warn("Cannot create a spectral tree without precursor from {}".format(header_prec)) break continue pl = peaklists[headers.index(header_prec)] mz_prec, intensity_prec = assign_precursor(pl, edge[1], tolerance=0.5) if not mz_prec: if " ms " in header_prec: warnings.warn("Cannot create a spectral tree without precursor from {}".format(header_prec)) break continue else: mz_id_prec = "{}_{}_{}".format(round(mz_prec, 4), headers.index(header_prec), np.where( == mz_prec)[0][0]) GG.add_node(mz_id_prec, mz=mz_prec, intensity=intensity_prec, header=header_prec.split(":")[1], mslevel=G.node[edge[0]]["mslevel"], precursor=True) header_frag = "{}:{}".format(G.graph["id"], edge[1]) if len(G.node[edge[1]]["scanids"]) == 0 or header_frag not in headers: continue pl_fragments = peaklists[headers.index("{}:{}".format(G.graph["id"], edge[1]))] for j, mz_frag in enumerate( mz_id_frag = "{}_{}_{}".format(round(mz_frag, 4), headers.index(header_frag), j) GG.add_node(mz_id_frag, mz=mz_frag, intensity=pl_fragments.intensity[j], header=header_frag.split(":")[1], mslevel=G.node[edge[1]]["mslevel"], precursor=False) GG.add_edge(mz_id_prec, mz_id_frag, mzdiff=round(mz_prec - mz_frag, 7), type="e") for node in nx.isolates(GG): GG.remove_node(node) spectral_trees.append(GG) return spectral_trees